Pre Post Natal Yoga Teacher Training | Payment Plan


Pre Post Natal Yoga Teacher Training | Payment Plan

A$99.00 every week for 10 weeks

Facilitated by Pru Davey

Venue - Intrinsic Mind Health and Wellness - Glen Osmond Rd

Dates - Sat 19th - Sun 20th February + Sat 19th - Sun 20th March 2022

Time - 9-5pm

Format - Online Study Units + In Person Group Training Intensive

Pre-Postnatal graduate teacher training is facilitated by Pru Davey, a highly educated and skilled midwife with 35 years’ experience. As well she is trained as a yoga instructor and so brings unique highly experienced skill sets in providing specialised talents to pre and post-natal practice.

Born and raised (by a midwife) in the Riverland country of South Australia, Pru became a midwife in 1979 and started practicing yoga in 1989. She completed yoga teacher training first with the Yoga Teachers Institute of SA then a Diploma of Yoga Teaching with Satyananda Yoga.

From the beginning of her midwifery career Pru saw the value of being with women in pregnancy and bringing women together, initially through childbirth and parenting classes, later with prenatal yoga both in community and hospital settings. Pregnant and birthing women have been her greatest teachers and she has used this lived knowledge to weave yoga classes that support women on their journey of preparation for birth, mothering and building families.


Intents and Outcomes

  • To educate and inspire yoga instructors to apply the practices and knowledge of the yogic tradition to the specialized area of women’s and baby’s health and wellbeing before, during and post childbirth.

  • To educate skilful yoga instructors with knowledge from both the yogic and bio-medical perspective relevant to the various needs and stages of the pre and post-natal phases. Educating proven methods to best prepare, guide and empower women in the best way possible for birthing and first stage of parenting.

  • The 50-hour Pre-Post Natal Teacher Training will equip yoga teachers with the skills and knowledge to lead prenatal and postnatal yoga classes, and to enable safe guidance of prenatal and postnatal students that participate in a general class setting.

Training Subjects

Anatomy and Physiology

  • Physiological changes in the body in pregnancy and post-partum

  • Fetal development – overview

  • Labour and birth – mind, body, baby

  • Psycho-physiology – emotional, hormonal and psychological changes in pregnancy and birthing including attachment and bonding

  • Variations to normal

Prenatal and Postnatal Yoga Practices

  • Asana

  • Pranayama

  • Yoga Nidra

  • Meditation

  • Visualisation

  • Class sequencing / structuring / environments

  • Assessing specific needs and addressing them safely

  • Precautions

  • Empowering yoga practices to support and inspire

    • for pregnancy challenges – trust, self-healing, medical environments

    • parenting challenges – fatigue, baby blues

    • involving partners and support people

Yoga for Birth – mind, body, baby