Specialists in complete yoga education.

Sadhana nand Keval share words of wisdom extending from the roots of traditional yoga


essence of the sutras

with Keval Pezet

My intent is to enrich our appreciation of the immeasurable but quantifiable benefit of integrating yoga wisdom teachings into the fabric of daily living. 

The source of these understandings will be derived from the very foundations of yogic life skills held in primary ‘revealed’ (darshana) documents known as sutras.  Sutras are statements of truth that are pithy and powerful.  They are like depth charges, containing within them a lot of potency when utilized and assimilated.  As they are considered, contemplated and integrated a release in inherent knowingness opens inside us.  This comprehension is wholistic- not simply an abstract concept that has intellectual appeal but little relevance.  Rather, we enter into a living guidance that communicates viscerally, charging every fibre of our living-being.  That is why the essence sutra are called ‘chaitanya’ or conscious living emanations from Source Itself, that reveal a ray of their very nature when embraced.  We can derive a lot of inspiration and encouragement from all sorts of instructions that share a sound message, but sutras work more deeply yet.  The fundamental shifts they can generate transcend the personal domain that we ordinarily operate from, constraining. Our experience to the predominantly material and egoic stage of experience. 

Transcendence of personal identity is natural and part of everyday living.  We meet It constantly, through the agency of the sense powers, with every breath and every movement of thought.  Yet that Opening may appear so elusive as to seem non-existent.  The sage and poet Kabir captures the irony of this predicament when he says.

 “I laugh when I hear that the fish in the water is thirsty…

You don’t grasp the fact that what is most alive of all is inside your own house;

If you can’t find where your soul is hidden, for you the world will never be real!”

Unless we are able to meet that near and dear One, life will always seem not quite full enough regardless of how many trainings we undertake, whatever game we play to try and fill the gaping hole that can’t be covered.  Holding essence sutras close unleashes the energy of real knowingness that deeply satiates, bringing an inner smiling that signifies a happy full heart.

We will share an essence sutra for you every week- meet both the words and sadhana energy they carry.  Read and embrace them daily.  Let them resonate inside so they can reveal their gift of awakening to Reality in the very midst of the world.  


articles and musings

with Sadhana and Keval Pezet