Asana | Malasana

This posture has an immense amount of benefits

The Gift most emphasized in traditional yoga is it benefit to digestive function, particularly elimination.



•       Improves digestive function, particularly elimination

•       Alleviates constipation

•       Tones the reproductive system

•       Wonderful preparation for childbirth (usually modified versions later in pregnancy)

•       Tones, strengthens and increases flexibility to all the muscles and connective tissues in the lower torso and legs

•       Balances Apana Vayu, the subtle prana (life energy) seated in the lower body.

This is responsible for effective elimination of all kinds, physical and mental.

Our capacity to release and let go


Traditional āsana always has deep functional physiological and pranic (energic) value over and above the surface features of the physical form. If we take care of the inner purification the outer responds as a natural consequence.




•       Feet in line with knees

•       Lengthen the spine from base through neck

•       Draw the lower belly inward and then more deeply on exhalation, avoid rounding the lower spine

•       Place the elbows and upper arms inside the knees to widen the knees and open the chest

•       Hands in Anjali mudra thumbs to sternum

•       Enjoy breathing here conscious of the release, toning and opening in the lower body


Taking it a little further

•       Clasp the hands as in the image and with an exhale extend the arms forward curving the spine, keep the ears in line with the upper arms

•       Let all the air out with your exhalation slowly and massage the inner organs

•       Inhale and return to the open chest position with the arms inside the knees

•       Repeat 6 times slowing down and extending the breath and movements

You will feel the deep massage internally. And a change in the energetic quality of the lower body


Find this a challenging posture?


If the heels do not reach the ground

•       Roll up the back of your mate or a towel and place it under the heels

If the hips feel high off the ground

•       Place a block or the edge of a bolster under your hips

If it feels very uncomfortable

•       Practice in a supine position on your back, bring your knees to chest wider them out and keep the back of your hips grounded and spine lengthened right through the neck

•       Also, practice happy baby posture clasping your feet, with your lower legs in a vertical orientation and drawing the knees toward the ground beside you

If this deep squat is out of your reach

•       Try the same movement while seated in a chair with your feet under your knees


Finding Your Way !!!


Breath | The single most important element of life!