YOGA is one of humanity’s most incomparable resources. It reveals a perennial practical wisdom that can enrich and enliven every facet of living with perspective, meaning, purpose and dignity.  At Shantarasa we are dedicated to communicating and facilitating yoga’s unique time proven pathways to radiant wholeness.

We have developed over the last several decades a range of educational avenues to meet all levels of interest and competency in relation to yoga practice and understanding.  People choose to embrace YOGA for such a vast range of reasons, and all can be met meaningfully.

Currently yoga is predominantly associated with asana or postural practice that has seen a phenomenal uptake globally.  While asana is enormously beneficial it does depend on the knowledge that guides it and how it is practiced as well as who is practicing, “one size does not fit all”.  Yoga offers so much more in terms of crafting a holistic experience that is transformative and can directly apply to current life circumstance.

Shantarasa is an ancient Sanskrit word which means “essence of peace.”  Traditional yoga wisdom and practice brings us into direct relationship with an innate equanimity and peaceful nature that remains uncompromised even in the face of life’s vicissitudes.  The inner peace revealed through integrated yoga practice becomes one’s constant companion and ally at all times.

We invite you to explore the full complement of courses, trainings and community events that are on offer locally in Australia as well as globally.  Our five decades of study, personal implementation and instruction have been eventful and rewarding.  We love to share the incredible journey that traditional yoga practice awakens with all who value a fresh and unjaded vision, courageous heart and reverence for the essence of all life.

Our special focus is the training of skillfull teachers who draw their inspiration from the depth of the yoga tradition, the breadth of its wisdom.  Their training inspires dedication to a consistent personal practice and study and who find meaningful ways to share the yogic practices within the wider community. We also offer access to all trainings as well as other study programs for the dedicated yoga practitioner and accessible practice and study for those new to the path. We also specialize through Yoga Chikitsa (yoga as therapy) in meeting all physical, emotional, energetic, mental and spiritual needs to reclaim balance, new perspective and wholeness.