
Bringing the Principles of Ayurveda to Life….

Dr Rakhee Thakar MD (Pediatrics) of Punarnava at Shanti Mandir

Format Online Study Course

Commence Anytime

A comprehensive introduction to Ayurveda

Gain the insightful knowledge of individual constitution (dosha) and how best to protect and sustain optimal health at all levels. This course is for those with a keen interest in healthy living seeking empowered means to achieve that aim for themselves. The guidance of a skilled Ayurvedic practitioner assists initially, particularly where strong imbalance, illness or disease is present. A skilled Ayurvedic practitioner will direct individuals toward constitutional diet, lifestyle choices and changes as part of their treatment assessment and protocol.

This course will guide diet, lifestyle and life choices from the perspective of dosha (individual constitution). Ayurveda is a wholistic science that attends to every aspect of life including physical and mental health, relationship with environment, and spiritual integration Ayurveda is the sister science to Yoga; each draw upon each other to fulfill the overall restoration of balanced being and potential healing and transformation.

Includes 10 Online Study Units + 2 x Online meetings with Dr Rakhee.


• Introduction to Ayurvedic Understanding of Health and Disease • Digestion-Concept of Agni (fire principle) and Aam (toxins) • Prakriti (constitution) - Vata, Pitta and Kapha • Diet and Lifestyle • Dincharya - the Daily Routine • Ritucharya - The Seasonal Routine • Kitchen as Dispensary - Common Herbs and Spices • Common Health Myths • Panchakarma - Treatments • Women’s Health • Recipes and Cooking

Course participants are welcome to contact Dr Rakhee for individual Online consultations before or during the course to apply the course guidance to their own circumstance

Watch the video below as Dr Rakhee introduces the course guided by a few questions from with Sadhana Pezet