200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training

There are not many 200-hour trainings like this one. The difference is found in the comprehensive curriculum and deep exposure to a genuine practice and study of traditional yoga. As well, the teachers have such a profound wealth of experience spanning 5 decades from which to draw upon from a rich knowledge base.

Enrolees will vary in their reason for course participation. Some have a clear intention to teach others and carry some experience in asana practice already. Others attend to develop and deepen their own self-motivated practice and may choose not to do the assessment components of the training. Teachers with current 200-hour certificates also attend with the intention of learning in a traditional way or to deepen the training they have already received. There are those who register who are still quite new to it all.

The 200-hour YTT covers: yogasana (postures), breathwork, pranayama, mudra, bandhas, yoga nidra, mantra, meditation, anatomy and physiology both physical and subtle, applied ayurveda. The study components cover the various aspects of yoga philosophy and psychology drawn from essential texts, and direct teaching from adepts exploring the pathways of self inquiry and subtler aspects of practice.

This is so much more than a basic level of training. Students complete with a superb set of skills and a deepened understanding from which to share the love of yoga with others. Hundreds of graduates globally enjoy teaching in their communities in truly meaningful ways. Students also emerge with a dedication toward their own development and personal practice. Mentorship is ongoing.

You are welcome to receive our detailed training guide by clicking the button link below

2025-2026 we offer the full package, YTT 200-hour | 300-hour |500-hour | and additional extra curriculum covering The Foundations of Yoga Chikitsa. This could be your year to immerse completely and emerge with an incredible new set of skills and pathway forward in your life.

The daily schedule of the intensives will weave between study and practical sessions. Here is a view of some of the Level 1 - 200h curriculum components:

WHAT IS YOGA - Exploration of the foundational and central principles that guide and inform authentic yoga practice.

HOW YOGA WORKS - The yogic view of the mind, the body, the purpose of a life, and how to influence conscious, vital and empowered living. Includes study of the subtle body anatomy and physiology, the balancing and cultivation of vital energy – exploration of 5 koshas (sheaths), 4 bodies (physical, subtle, causal and supra causal) the system of subtle energy channels and their centers, prana (life force) and the 5 vayus (winds) as aspects of prana and how all this understanding effects practice and experience.

APPLIED PHYSICAL ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY - As it applies to asana practice, including returning to optimal alignment. Identifying the causes of misalignment, and the use of simple release methods to restore optimal alignment within the muscular -skeletal system. Understanding how the body achieves health and vitality. Understanding the importance of strong digestive function and a balanced nervous system. 

YOGA NIDRA - As an ancient and traditional practice which expresses the science of human transformation. Training to guide the complete stillness of body/mind. Yoga Nidra is much more than relaxation.

BREATH - The science of breath both physical and subtle. Its importance to overall health of body/mind. Practices to extend and equalize the breath. Breath as key to the balance of the mind. Breath as tool to manage periods of imbalance. Research that supports the yogic emphasis on importance of breath awareness. Asana without conscious breath is not asana.

THE COMPLEMENTARY SCIENCE OF AYURVEDA - The twin science to yoga. It describes the nature of individual constitution. This basic knowledge enables us to practice and live according to our constitutional predispositions and to environment and season. When applied to yogic practice we develop a more intelligent approach to holistic living.

ASANA - What is asana? Understanding of the three stages of practice. How to practice according to our constitutional predispositions, developing intelligence in practice. How to modify and adapt asana to meet individual needs and to progress to greater depth over time. How to adjust asana in class safely and effectively. Sequencing a class, designing an ongoing practice. Benefits and contra-indications of asanas.

MEDITATION- an essential practice if one plans to teach and to live a life from a peaceful steady centre. The traditional forms offered in this training become as natural as the other essentials of life such as breathing, sleeping and experiencing joy.


  • Deliver an Asana Class to peer group

  • Design & Deliver 8 week Beginners Yoga Program 

  • Review Questions

YTT Course Dates

200YTT Commencing 8th March - Completing 6th July 2025(11 weekend intensives)

300YTT Commencing 6th September 2025 - Completing 14th June 2026 (15 weekend intensives)

500YTT Commencing 8th March 2025- Completing 14th June 2026 (26 weekend intensives)

Yoga Chikitsa Foundations 27th June - 16th August 2026 (4 weekends intensive)

Sadhana is a specialist in hatha yoga and asana (postures), pranayama, yoga nidra, meditation, yoga chikitsa (yoga therapy) and teacher with 50 years of experience. She is also a qualified Transpersonal therapist and trainer. What she brings to the trainings is an incredible depth of knowledge that spans the practical, therapeutic and the philosophical aspects of the Shantarasa Traditional Yoga programs. She is very dedicated to preserving the traditional forms as yoga goes through a phase of immense change in our contemporary speres of yoga practice and popularity and the age of ‘influencers’. Postural yoga does not provide a full spectrum of experience.  Lacking integration of deeper more subtle components beyond movement and architecture postures have little if any of their intended benefit and power. Sadhana’s classes give an exceptional experience of what yoga practice can truly give.

Keval is our resident scholar and jnani or wisdom lover.  He brings decades of study and immersion in Yogic principles and practice, He impartsd the practical wisdom of the yogic traditions in ways that are accessible, relevant, inspiring and that touch the fabric of our daily life. He has personally practiced and taught yogic philosophy, mantra and meditation globally now for 50 years; and have been woven into his daily experience. 

Both received personal guidance and teaching from an incredible line of South Indian Siddhas. Their study has been continuous to this day, having dedicated immense amounts of time during countless extended periods of time in India to study with Yoga Adepts, Hatha Yoga Achayas, Yoga Therapists, Ayurvedic Vaidyas, and Vedic and Sanskrit scholars.

These two therefore instruct a training that carries rare depth and skill as they deliver the content of this pure gem of a program.


For a more comprehensive course description

200YTT Free Info Session

Join Sadhana + Keval Thursday 16th January 6.30pm via zoom

info@shantarasa.com to register