Ayurveda in Spring
Spring is the perfect time to understand our constitution and nature. It is a time of accumulation and growth. For each of us individually that means a time of accumulation in the body/mind. If our bodies are clean and free of ama (toxins or undigested material that can collect in all the spaces within the body) then we are ready for the power of spring to work within us. If the body is burdened with the stuff of undigested or unassimilated material in its organs, tissues, and spaces, spring can cause unwanted deposits of ama. This also applies to the mind, if the mind feels bright and clear, free of undigested experience, spring can be a beautiful time. If the mind is congested with the unresolved impressions of life experiences (which includes the stuff of unresolved feelings and emotions), then spring can present challenges. The best way to approach spring is to cleanse and prepare for new beginnings and fresh life force.
The subject of Ayurveda always raises everyone’s interest when it comes up in our training courses. The subjects that catch peoples interest are those that directly apply to their immediate life circumstances and that offer pathways to greater self knowledge and insight that enhances quality of life.
Ayurveda offers the most complete and accurate science of life. It reveals how and why each express physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually in very individual ways. No two people are identical at the level of constitution. This means that the pathway toward optimal health and wellbeing will equally be different and individual.
Once we know our constitution (Prakriti or Dosha) we understand our dietary preferences and challenges, and can gain insight into why we make the choices we make as well as why certain things - be they elements of our diet or our lifestyle - create imbalance , illness and unsettle our minds.
Integrating a few simple ayurvedic dietary and lifestyle recommendations at key times, like spring, can significantly turn our lives in a powerful new direction that awakens natural health and vitality, and mental clarity. A little change that is a direct fit for our constitutional nature can make the hugest difference. Over time we learn to orient our lives more powerfully in this empowering direction.
As yoga teachers, we gain a better ability to assist and understand the different needs of students of the practice. We can better sequence and design our classes to meet dosha balance and seasonal influence and also be life-stage appropriate.