Living Sutras
We enter a new phase of contemplation with this week’s study. We will begin to explore the foundational wisdom holdings from the Trika (meaning essential three principles or facets of existence- the Absolute [Siva] the apparent individual [jiva] and the phenomenal universe [jagat] which are posited as fundamentally not different) system, which is also known as Kashmir Shaivism.
A common denominator of all systems of Sanatana Dharma (Eternal Wisdom Teachings) is the shared understanding that life is not only as it appears to be. They all propose there is an underlying Reality that is obscured and not known in ordinary circumstances. So, the ultimate aim of this life is to come to directly know the Essential nature of all things not merely in a conceptual way, but actually and experientially. To do so is called moksha or liberation or Self Realization.
The heightened insight particularly of Kashmir Shaivism is that “nothing exists that is not Siva” or Supreme Consciousness. Everything material and non-material is comprised of and can be experienced as it is, as an abhasa or expression of Consciousness itself. The means by which the real nature of all existence, especially you and me, is revealed is through sadhana or conscious practice of awakening to this profound knowledge.
In this (4) and the next section (5) we will delve into the exquisite realizations expressed by this sublime tradition of wisdom. We will use the sutras from the Pratyabhijna Hridayam to survey the foundational teachings that set out the hallmarks of this tradition, with the addition of the Siva Sutras, next time, to carry us deeper into the illuminated vision that Kashmir Shaivism confers. Again, from the perspective of some sharing of personal experience mentioned here in this series, these living dharmas or wisdom instructions have been life changing. The openings and expansions that have unfolded from them have precipitated irrevocable shifts in relationship with the internal and external expressions of life.
Sutras from the Pratyabhijnahridayam
Chitih svatantrantra visva siddhihetuhu (1)
Supreme Consciousness of Its own free will creates and animates the entire universe
Svecchaya svabhittau visvamunilayati (2)
By Her power of unrestricted Will She unfolds the Universe upon Her own screen
Chitireva centanapadavarudhacetyasamkocini cittam (5)
Consciousness Herself (by Her own free Will) having reduced from the all inclusive and expanded state becomes the mind by contracting in accordance with the objects perceived
Chidvat ttacchaktisamkocat mala vrtah samsara (9)
That which is full of Consciousness, due to contraction of its powers, becomes a transmigratory soul, covered by limitations
Balalabhe visvam atmasat karoti (13)
On attaining strength, one makes the universe one’s own
Madhya vikasac cidananda labaha (17)
As we contemplate these sutras together, we will begin to glean the divine mystery that not only abides within us but is always shimmering there at the edge of our normal perception. The beauty of the sadhana laid down by Kashmir Shaivism lies in generating a shift of seeing, not only with the physical organs of the eyes but also with the heart and our quality of feeling, enabling the inner expansion of consciousness once again to reveal itself. This is called siva drishti or the seeing of Siva or the Absolute.
The Kathopanishad reflects this understanding so beautifully:
“God lives in all bodies and is yet without a body. He is the eternal and unmoving reality behind all fleeting and moving things. He is supreme. He is all pervading. By seeing Him in meditation, one becomes steady, courageous, discerning and free from sorrow, and attains the highest peace.” Kathopanishad 1.2.22
With our continuing and dedicated enlightening practice this truth will ultimately reveal itself right in this very life.