Timing is Everything

Timing is Everything


We have watched from overseas with dismay at the summer that Australia will never forget.  Although not directly affected by the horrendous fires that destroyed countless lives, land and creatures these events seared into our consciousness, burning very close to home.  The need for  multi-pronged contingency strategies are now imperative for the increased likelihood of such climatic conditions reoccurring.

But why don’t we view the existential crisis that everyone must squarely face up to regardless of external situation with the same sense of urgency?  The world’s great wisdom traditions have always put out a clarion call for us to wake up to our most immediate predicament:  the inevitability of our personal demise.  Most of us live with an avoidance response that either ignores, crumbles or succumbs with resignation under the weight of impending death.


The way of Sanatana Dharma, the ancient Indian liberation system that rescues us from the dread of suffering and physical demise, is as pertinent and powerful in this day and age as in the past.  Simply put, the antidote for a way out of this of seemingly unescapable one way ticket is “the way in.”  It holds that within every human being is the potential to transcend the human predicament. There is actually an eternal seed we all carry that cannot be destroyed or extinguished.  We’ve also watched with amazement how the bush is already regenerating itself from desolation, how creatures have displayed kindness and generosity and selflessness to save other unrelated species, how wombats ushered echidnas, koalas and even birds into their dens underground to escape the raging furnace overhead  and to survive what appeared to be certain death.  From deep within the earth life recreates and renews.


The way to perpetual renewal is not complicated or obscure yet is not easy; requiring keen interest in it’s pursuit, steadfast dedication in it’s practice, and an uncompromising commitment to fostering the nurturing of the God seed within.  The germ seed arises from Love, as the Rg Veda says.  Love like energy is immortal, it cannot be destroyed only transformed, into innumerable expressions that come and go yet never really disappear.


How to get started? Begin with the question “Who or what am I, really?  Pose it over and over again and be willing to gaze beyond the convenient immediate answers that arise to assuage the deep investigation.   If posited sincerely and courageously this question itself will lead you to the ways in which you can gain insight into how to foster the Love Seed within.  A clue is to listen deeply but without expectation or without answering question reflexively.  Simply ask and let the supplication reverberate within you.  Without words or even sound sense the minute subtle vibration that is always there behind everything.  Become present to its presence.  Love and true satisfaction arise from here, behind and beyond all activity, all answers and even questions.

But don’t wait too long to begin this heartful inquiry, until it’s too late, when the house is already on fire.  Digging a well then won’t douse the flames that consume all in its way.  Start now, while strength and vigor are still with you. Look within and find the Ocean of mercy and joy that quells all the waves of anxiety and fear, refreshing the spirit by guiding it home on it’s compassionate currents.