Yoga Nidra -  much more than a general state of relaxation

Yoga Nidra - much more than a general state of relaxation


The root of this practice abides in expansive consciousness itself. Consciousness seeks consciousness just as water runs into itself and air and space merge.

Yoga Nidra carries the yogic understanding and philosophy of consciousness as its foundation. It returns us to source of being and all wisdom.

General relaxation methods are often the beginning stages of Yoga Nidra practice as the needs to heal and release impressions are attended to. This is a valuable gift of the practice; the healing occurs with only the need to be diligent and consistent in practice. There is no need to get caught in personal processing and interrogation of content. It is simply released if the method is correct and well guided. General relaxation methods are often confused with traditional Yoga Nidra.

The deeper stages of Yoga Nidra require good guidance. It takes us through the layers of consciousness and being. We eventually arrive at the level or absorption sought by all sincere seekers on the yogic path.

Yoga Nidra does not seek to engage the mind through visualization, imagination, or guided imagery. It seeks a more direct pathway through the illusory realms of the subtle body that include all levels of mind.

Yoga Nidra trains an ability to know the states of consciousness we navigate by direct experience and an awakened awareness sakshin (witness consciousness). This gives greater skill and clarity at the levels of waking state, dream state and deep sleep state.

Yoga Vedanta describes 5 states:

The Waking State- Jagrat Avastha

The Dream State- Svapna Avastha

The Deep Sleep State -Sushupti Avastha

The Supraconscious State- Turiya Avastha

The state beyond states Turiyatita Avastha

Yoga Nidra is not always called as such throughout textual reference and traditions. It is often given as practice to quiet body and mind identification and arrive at Atma vidya (knowledge of the Self). These methods given assist the practitioner to find easier passage through the distractive influence of emanations from the mind. In so doing they give the power to control mind and know its nature- while turning the mind from ensnarement to open hearted expansive mind. Then the mind is source of liberation and freedom rather than bondage and suffering.

These practices use the causal body and deep sleep state, where individual mind is not operative, and as an entry point to expansive background awareness.

Yoga Nidra is likened to samadhi, a state of absorption in Atman beyond the limited personal identification.

The first stages of practice unhook us from the purely personal perspective where ‘me’ and ‘I’ are dominant. It is not easy to find the unitive state and awareness of yogic pathways until we can unhook the tenacious grip of the small self focus.

Yoga Nidra is needed. Our societies are engulfed by egoistic struggles and conflicts. Each of us need the larger perspective to navigate a pathway for the greater good of all beings.

Recently we looked into a research project focused on social dreaming. Dreams of various communities were documented over a period of time to see if the content reflected a larger social view. The project began pre-covid 19, and continued through this time. The dream content revealed that individuals within societies were dreaming in a pre-cognitive fashion. They were dreaming forward. The symbols, images and narratives were revealing what the community and world were about to face.

Indigenous societies globally have always used this method to navigate for the whole community - To know best how to respond to environment and seek beneficial guidance for the community as a whole.

We all have this capacity to know. Life is written. It is consciousness expanding contracting and absorbing. Time is not relevant to consciousness. We can influence and respond powerfully when we know the nature of consciousness. The influence must always be for the greater good. We will not expand into these capacities without stepping out of selfish desires and tendencies.

Yoga Nidra is such a method. It is not interested in dreams as such. But it awakens us in all states to see and to know what is real, what is essential and what is worthy of our effort and attention.

We invite you to join us in the fascinating and highly beneficial study of Yoga Nidra as practice and as a way to understand the Essential at the root of life and being. There is no real life without this knowledge and direct experience.

Sadhana Pezet

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Yoga Nidra

Yogic sleep is the sleep of the awakened conscious being. Consciousness abides even as the mind recedes. To become conscious at this level lifts us out of the domains of the tendencies that generate pain and suffering. To gain skill in the practice of the sleep that throws of the burdens an understanding of the subtle layers of being is essential.

Learn the origins of the practice

Its purpose and subtle qualities and benefits

Learn the various forms of entry into conscious deep sleep