Why YTT with shantarasa

specialists in inspirational life enriching yoga education

One of the surprising aspects of the Shantarasa Yoga Teacher Training courses is how pertinent and relevant the contents of the training and study sessions are for meeting and positively influencing everyday contingencies. While most contemporary trainings aim to develop the requisite skills for instructing yoga postures or asanas, more traditional yoga methods incorporate and integrate a rich range of practical living skills and wisdom that communicate the essential characteristics of yoga beyond a sequence of postures and into the interface with real life situations. Traditional Asana practice or postural yoga gives us the skills to meet the body as a powerful vehicle we can influence toward greater wellbeing, dynamic energy and transformation

In fact, what one discovers is that yoga practice is more about the mind than the body. And while working with the body begins to also influence our quality of mind, asanas or postures were never designed to bring about deep transformation of understanding and expansion of life wisdom. I recall a highly successful fitness trainer who undertook traditional yoga training and found that what she was able to access was the deep peace and inner resources that carried her gracefully through the loss of a dear family member. In essence, the purpose of yoga is to help us live a life of accord, with ourselves and others.

We all to have to face real difficulty, loss and challenges that test us. We need ways to help meet whatever comes and bring qualities of resourcefulness, creativity and deep sensibility to transition and grow through these times. It is precisely in these situations where yoga is most helpful. The body also changes and brings its own set of challenges these can also be some of our most powerful challenges through which we need skills to meet and grow through. I recall a woman who trained with us some years ago in India. She had applied to several schools to undertake a yoga training course and had been knocked back by them all, because of a disability. She came and did our training and excelled. She is a remarkable woman and just required the right environment to enable to her meet her circumstance. She went on to become a wonderful compassionate teacher and offered such beneficial classes open to all.

An ancient yoga document called the Chandogya Upanishad clearly says “Within every person is a secret dwelling, the lotus of the heart. Within that space is the fulfillment of all our longings. As great as the infinite space beyond is, the space within the lotus of the heart is even greater. Whether we know it in this world or know it not, everything is contained in it. Those who know this, discover who they truly are and have freedom everywhere. Established in peace they become free from fear, and find the supreme light of Truth” These are not mere flights of fancy or delusions of grandeur. This is in fact the goal and successful outcome of traditional yoga practice, and why we undertake such work. In other words, through our sincere and skillful practice of yoga we actually discover right within ourselves all that we yearn for and seek. we learn to sit with remarkable peace, contentment and creative enthusiasm through all of our living moments. The right yoga training course will help you along the Way.

I invite you to join us for a powerful journey
Keval Pezet
Senior teacher


Practice & Attainment in Yoga


What is Traditional Yoga?