
Yoga Nidra Training

Yoga Nidra is a very specialised area of yoga training.

There are many approaches on offer to relaxation. Most of these methods however are not Yoga Nidra. Yoga Nidra guidance and practice requires an understanding of the four bodies and states, as given in the yogic texts and through the teachings of traditional teachers.

Yoga Nidra is intended to guide the practitioner beyond all activity of body and mind to the deeper causal body and dreamless sleep state. It is in this state that the profound and life changing benefits of genuine yoga nidra can be accessed.

As a precursor to meditation practice it awakens a quality of awareness that enables the meditation practitioner to penetrate deeper than the mind and its movements. Traversing the mind field and its tenacious habits is an obstacle for many practitioners unless they are guided to awaken a different quality of awareness that is background to even the mind itself. Yoga Nidra trains this quality of awareness.

As a healing agent Yoga Nidra assists the practitioner to diffuse deep seated impressions and traumas at their root beneath the cognitive and subliminal levels.

Guiding Yoga Nidra effectively is a highly specialised skill. Its approach may be different depending on the subtlety and need of the person to be guided. The practice can be developed to a greater depth over time. The facilitator needs to understand the various levels of the practice, when and how to apply them.

The training will explore the science of the practice, the method of practice, the stages of practice and view contemporary research highlighting the vast range of significant benefits.


Study Unit 1: What is Yoga Nidra?  

Study Unit 2: Origins of Practice

Study Unit 3: Layers of consciousness

Study Unit 4: Science Research & Benefits

Study Unit 5: Practices


200h Yoga Teacher Training or established Yoga Practice (please contact us if you feel you have requisite skills other than teacher training certification)

A more comprehensive course description is given in the course training guide.

Course Dates

Yoga Nidra Training - Online
Sale Price: A$400.00 Original Price: A$550.00

Guiding Yoga Nidra effectively is a highly specialised skill. Its approach may be different depending on the subtlety and need of the person to be guided. The practice can be developed to a greater depth over time. The facilitator needs to understand the various levels of the practice, when and how to apply them.

The training will explore the science of the practice, the method of practice, the stages of practice and view contemporary research highlighting the vast range of significant benefits.


Study Unit 1: What is Yoga Nidra?

Study Unit 2: Origins of Practice

Study Unit 3: Layers of consciousness

Study Unit 4: Science Research & Benefits

Study Unit 5: Practices

All content is recorded and available upon course registration

Online Platform allows students to ask questions through out the course

Content is available for 12 months


Yoga Nidra Recordings

Yoga Nidra Recording

Be guided through a traditional Yoga Nidra by Sadhana Pezet.

This is a simple yoga nidra format that guides awareness on a route through the inner space of the body that works directly with the central nervous system. As the physical nervous system balances and calms the depth sought in this practice that is ultimately deeper than mind itself is possible. The real benefits are realized when body and mind become completely quiet. The cues are simple so that the mind is not engaged in a way that gives rise to thinking. There is no background music so that nothing intrudes on the experience. If you choose to have music on in the background it is best without percussion or fast rhythms

We will soon release several other yoga nidra options.

Ascending Breath Recording

Be guided through the Ascending Breath Practice with Sadhana Pezet