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Yoga Psychology & Meditation

Yoga Psychology

Drawn from central tenets of yoga metaphysics and applied wisdom methodologies, the psychology of yoga is the living experience of yogic perenial philosophy. Yogic view of mind as it relates to finding stillness and the unwavering steady state beyond the vicissitudes and vagaries of the mind.
Training the mind instrument (antahkarana) for the recognition of the Absolute. A deep and revelatory exploration on the origins of psychology as the science of Spirit that is inclusively contextualizes the role of mind in the infinite field of Consciousness.

The Nature of Reality

training darshana- true seeing and perspective
Cultivating Lucid Awareness - the nature of essential background awareness, enable lucid awareness expansion

Effective Sustained Meditation

Training sustained presence and awareness. How to be with what is and meditate deeply without fighting with the mind. Cultivating a consistent practice. How to guide and instruct others

Meditation on and off the cushion


to establish a steady seat

Pranayama and Mantra

for Preparing the mind for meditation
Sadhana- practical applications of integrating spirituality-yoga into the stream of heightened everyday living

This intensive offers stand alone content to provide skills to harness (yuj) and expand Awareness for practicing Yogasana teachers. Since what is ultimately communicated to students is the instructor’s own state ,this work is fundamental in elevating and consolidating a deeper, enhanced level of personal experience that can be translated into living wisdom.

Focus given to exploration of the antar angas (culminating “limbs” or stages of Patanjali’s Ashtanga marga) of dharana, dhyana and samadhi.
Equally suitable study for practitioners of the yogic and contemplative paths who are not practicing asana teachers.

Certificate of completion issued to those participants not taking the full 300 hour course.
These hours are recognised as an integral part of the 300 hour course should you choose to participate at a later date.


Course Dates 2022


Intensive 1        November 3     Thursday           10.00am – 5.00pm           

November 4     Friday                 10.00am – 5.00pm             

November 5     Saturday            10.00am – 5.00pm  

                           November 6     Sunday              10.00am – 5.00pm 


Intensive 2      November 24   Thursday           10.00am – 5.00pm 

November 25   Friday                 10.00am – 5.00pm   

November 26   Saturday            10.00am – 5.00pm  

                          November 27   Sunday              10.00am – 5.00pm